White Shepherd puppies coming Spring/Summer 2025 from Gracie x Zeus! German Shepherd puppies coming Summer/Fall 2025 from Lucy x Baxter!
See upcoming litters for more info!
Owners: Cari and Piper Hall (Oakland, TN)
White Shepherd puppies coming Spring/Summer 2025 from Gracie x Zeus! German Shepherd puppies coming Summer/Fall 2025 from Lucy x Baxter!
See upcoming litters for more info!
Silver, Yellow, and Blue Male are available for deposit.
Let the count down begin!! They are soooo ready! Smart, curious, beautiful babies who are ready to bond and start training with their new families!!
And we have some names!!! Less than 2 weeks and these little balls of energy are all yours!! They are so funny and very very attached to the kids who are always ready to go outside to explore new things with them! I did another nail trim and gave them their 6 weeks vaccination. Next week we go see Dr. Huggins for a well puppy check-up! Enjoy our pictures! Side note: crazy hard to get 9 energetic babies to sit and focus for a picture!
One more week and we know who is going where! That is so super exciting!! I’ll be messaging individually to schedule your time to come out to select your kiddo or for your private video chat if you live to far. Remember pick up day is Jan 2. No exceptions. These little boogers will be more than ready! Also check your email, I have sent you a copy of the Hall’s Shepherd contract you will be required to sign at pick-up. Feel free to ask any questions.
Are you getting your house ready aka puppy proof? XL crate with divider, puppy safe toys, Victor Hi Pro dog(never grain free or a puppy food) washable dog bed, bowls, a flat small to medium adjustable collar(harnesses are not recommended) and a leash(retractable is not recommended). Enjoy our pictures and see ya’ll soon!
Half way there! Can you believe it! Our babies are eating from a bowl, using a litter pan, as well as going outside as much as possible! They are so active and so ready to play and explore! We will continue introducing them to all kinds of new sounds and activities! Be on the look out for our Facebook lives! Enjoy our Christmas pictures.
And bam they are up and running! These little guys are so dang sweet! They bark and holler at us when we walk past them. This week they are learning to potty in a puppy litter box, drink from a water bowl, and play with toys! They received a yucky dose of wormer and will get their nails trimmed again this week. Weather permitting we plan to take them outside daily! This weekend, I will add color coded collars and make them their first meal of my famous puppy milkshake! Enjoy our pics and we hope you are seeing all the live videos on FB! The Halls are obsessed with puppy time!
9 little beauties! Looks like 4 sable males, 3 black/tan males, and 2 black/tan females. They are so active! As soon as they were born, they were like little nascar drivers around the whelping box. I’ve never seen anything like it in 15yrs of being in the dog world. Next photo shoot we will do individual pictures. This week is all about Momma Avah being with her darlings! Going to enjoy the quiet while it last haha!! Enjoy the pics!
Half way mark is here!!! Check your emails! I have emailed the puppy contract and my puppy manual. Let me know your questions and if you received it. No need to return, I will have it printed and ready for you at pickup on April 2! Time to start getting your home puppy proofed! These guys started weaning today, I hope you saw the video posted to Facebook! They loved their time outside and we will continue that pending weather daily! We now have collars on them! Males are red, orange, green, and black. Females are purple, pink, yellow, orange, and silver. Let the fun begin!!! Daily we will introduce them to new sounds, toys, and experiences. My goodness are they brave and ready to play all the time!!! Enjoy the pictures and keep an eye out for facebook lives and videos. I will always tag all the lucky puppy parents!
Hello mini polar bear stage! Ears and eyes are open! They received their first dose of yucky wormer and a nail trim! They are so sweet and so cuddly at this stage. We just adore them. This week we will add a water bowl, toys, and mini dog beds to their whelping box. They are starting to drunk walk and it is so funny! We are still doing the earlier neuro stimulation daily. It is so cute hearing them bark and talk to us! Enjoy the pictures!
My oh my what beauties! All over a pound and all gaining perfectly! Maci is a super momma! It couldn’t have gone smoother at delivery. And born on Piper’s birthday. For those that don’t know, Piper, is Maci’s human momma! They are two peas in a pod! Incredible bond and literally do everything possible together. Including whelping these angels. Maci wanted Piper there every step of the way. Piper stayed up all night and was a trooper for her Maci. Absolutely incredible to witness. The love of a dog and her kid! Enjoy the newborn pictures! Can’t say I didn’t tear up taking them.